Saturday, June 17, 2006

Next stop...Kyoto

The conference is over, the vacation starts. As I was very busy during the conference I am writing all these in the bullet train bound to Tokyo that I really starting to get very fond of. The speed is so high that the pressure in my ears changes and I have to equalize every once and a while. I am hoping to be able to update the blog daily form now so I record the impressions while still fresh.

Now, close to the half way point, I have to say that I appreciate the movie much better than I did before and I can say that the mood and the atmosphere is very accurate. Also Japanese culture is very close to the stereotype; in some sense this can spoil the experiences to some extent, but on the other hand every once and a while you are very surprised by something you did not expect… usually some type of food or some building or some people and the sum of all these experiences makes traveling so great and Japan so very appealing and different.

1 comment:

erityistutkija said...

Hat tip for the pictures, good stuff!